Shall I Elope, Or Do The Big Event Thing?

I'm serious. The provisional date for my book launch is the 21st of March, and I just realised that's only five sleeps away! What in the? So now I have to decide whether the provisional date becomes The Date, or whether I pick a date in a couple of weeks and make a big 'do' out of it.

It's not a question of commitment. I'm absolutely committed to my book. We've lived together since 2007, for goodness' sake. We've had rows, of course we have. What writer and Novel-To-Be don't have rows, late at night, over a split infinitive? Exactly! We're both on the same page. Well ... it is on several pages, but I've been on each of them, so that gives me the right to an opinion. My opinion is that the time to tie the knot is finally upon us, but we need to choose whether to glam it up, or elope. 

At the moment, I'm eloping. I planned to sneak this book out under the radar. Only those in the know would - well - know. Now I'm wondering, as many an eloping bride must, whether I'm cheating people out of an event, if I scurry off into the sunset with my book, without so much as a slice of cake, a tearful bridesmaid, or a thrown bouquet. Am I? 

Blushing regards,